Nova Chrome UK, tel: +44 1407 720 011,

Revised Pricing

Due to soaring shipping prices, significant increases in raw material and manufacturing costs and a rise in some import duties we have had a substantial increase in the cost of all products. 

Recent news coverage has highlighted the impact of these numerous factors on the supply chain. Even a shortage of UK truck drivers is creating extra costs as well adding to already lengthy delays for containers.  While we have been trying to absorb some of these costs we regret that the surge is now so high we have no alternative other than to increase our prices.

Unfortunately those increases will be seen throughout most of our range of products, some effective immediately others over the coming weeks as our current supplies deplete and we replenish stock.  This was a difficult decision for us to make as our aim has always been to keep prices as low as possible while maintaining quality.

We assure you that if and when conditions improve we will review our price structure accordingly.  However, while we hope that this is a temporary issue we don’t anticipate that this extraordinary situation in the supply chain will be resolved quickly.  We appreciate your support and understanding during these challenging times and apologise for any problems this may cause you.


September 21st, 2021

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